Our Communities

Innovative digital solutions begin with understanding people's needs and ensuring everyone can participate in their creation. Code4Health hosts a range of communities who bring together anyone with a shared interest across all aspects of digital care. Communities start small and continuously improve using real experiences to inform decisions, building upon it's membership, adding like minded people who understand and can help make informed technology decisions.

Communities can be created around a specific topic, solution or a locality, Code4Health encourages and supports communities to run a range of physical and virtual events and activities. Specialist communities can relate to a particular area of care, a specific project or any other topic where there is a demand from the broader Code4Health community. Local communities can be established at whatever geographical scope their members think is helpful, but will typically be aligned with local health and care communities or city/regions.

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Communities & Projects

Name Description Stage Community Website(s) Case Study Social Git Location Key Words
Demystifying the process of optimizing 111 / 999 using ML / AI

A UCL Code4Health project to explore the following - 30+ million 111/ 999 calls per annum are managed by call handling centres across Britain. It is possible to decrease the load on callers by using automatic call handing systems. In this project speech to text (STT) technologies will create content from synthetic and actual 111 / 999 data. A system will be developed using previous UCL projects that will enable a clinician to understand what type of dialogue needs to be optimized. The need, or not, of commercial solutions will become apparent. The system will enable a non clinical user to do preliminary NLP (using a script created on a previous UCL project). The user will be able to log the intents that are relevant for use in commercial systems. The user will be able to provide these a functional specification for telephony providers.

Alpha 111, triage, NLP. natural, language, processing, AI, artificial, intelligence, A.I
AI Test Platform

The NHS has many suppliers who want to sell it AI. It has no platform to test the voracity of Algorithms. This will enable the NHS to present teaching, test and validation data sets for AI practitioners to test their algorithms against. It will computer accuracy globally, RUC, and learning rates. It will also allow the NHS to run competitions e.g. a Kaggle for the NHS which it controls. The system will enable a clinician to set a functional specification of human archetypes, medical models and pathways, phenotyping, bio-psycho-Social - in terms of test and validation data. It will allow them to set target accuracy levels and algorithmic preference, and licensing type, preferred platform, preferred report format, the prize. The first project it will be tested on will be a functional specification arising from Demystifying NLP in 111 / 999.

Alpha test, platform, artificial, intelligence, A.I
BEACON - Clinical Guidelines Applications

An in-house developed clinical guidelines app for Plymouth Foundation Trust. The solution consists of a hybrid mobile app (iOS and Android)and a web front-end for viewing, editing and administration. We use MS SQL for data persistence and C# .NET restful APIs for communication between the web and mobile apps. We believe our key differentiator compared to other solutions (such as the Nottingham University NUG Guidelines app) is that our articles are designed first and foremost for easy reading on mobile devices, compared with displaying PDFs.

Production training, registrar, GP, learning, patient, clinical, guidelines
CAMHS - Self Harm Prevention Tool

Students at UCL have worked with the Royal Bolton Hospital to develop a prototype "Self Harm Prevention tool" to help the youth community affected by mental health and behaviour disorders within the CAMHS program. The solution is a cross-platform tablet app that acts as a companion tool for clinicians to use during sessions with patients to quickly provide useful contacts, open relevant websites from within the app and share notes taken during the session via email.

Alpha self harm, mental, health, children, young, people, Bolton
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Explorer

A UCL project to provide additional tooling that allows developers to easily browse data repositiories and build queries to display dataset schemas available and allow tables, columns and queries to be manipulated

Beta openEHR, CKM, clinical, data, open, standards, queries
Clinical Guidance App

The UCL student Team took on the challenge of creating a mobile application to provide medical prescription guidance for doctors and nurses. Guidance information may be provided through tables or through decision trees, it depends on the guideline itself. We are developing an Android application which displays this information in a clear format and aids people in the medical profession.

Alpha Clinical Guidance, decision, support, UCL
Dementia Care Planning App

Care planning for Dementia patients is essential to ensure the needs of patients is met. With the reduction in carers, advanced planning is required as time is precious. Our solution, a UCL student project, is to provide a web tool to provide care information for patients, carers and doctors - more specifically, personalising a plan according to one's needs whilst monitoring their progress and implementing action plans.

Alpha dementia, planning, carer, doctor, web tool, patient, care, UCL
Dentist revision app for medical emergencies

A UCL project to help dentists remember emergency procedures by providing the information in a compact and reliable way. However, our solution is not limited to dentistry, if implemented, it can be widely distributed and enable people to be ready to provide others with first aid. We highly believe in the wide impact of our project, as quick response to emergency situation is key to save lives.

Alpha dentists, emergency, save, lives, procedures, UCL
Endeavour Health Collaborative

The long term aim of the endeavour Health Collaborative is to enable all citizens of the UK to have access to a personalised care planning and management system. In the medium term, the aim is to enable all systems in health and social care to interoperate with each other, including patient health applications integrating with health service applications. The collaborative has been set up by the Endeavour Health charitable Trust

Beta integration, engine, interoperability,FHIR, standards, patient, record, applications REST, API
End of Life Care

As a community, we are aiming to improve the ways in which people can manage and influence their own care, treatment and support towards the end of their life. We believe that, by developing better tools to share information between health and care professionals, carers and patients,we can help to ensure that the patient feels informed and in control of the care that is given to them.

Design patient, end, life, ReSPECT
Hand Hygiene App

The data collection of the Handwashing and Bare Below Elbow (BBE) audits within the organisation are currently a paper based process. It tracks the number of hand washing opportunities taken and checks for BBE compliance, before calculating overall percentages of staff compliance across multiples wards and directorates. A significant drawback to this is that it is very a time consuming audit process. Our solution is an application that allows for capture of such audit information through the user's input of data, as well as displaying the compliance rate using charts, before finally exporting all the information to Excel format. Ultimately, our application aims to provide utmost convenience for the auditors to carry out the audit process accurately.

Alpha hand, hygine, audit, UCL
Holo CT

A UCL project to create a medical imaging holographic application for viewing CT data in Microsoft's HoloLens device and dynamically loading holographic 'cases' from blob storage. Holographic cases are in XML format with mesh data stored in GTLF2 format, compressed in base 64. Made in collaboration with Great Ormond Street Hospital, NHS ‘Digital Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments’ unit (DRIVE)and UCL industry exchange (IXN) network.

Alpha holograph holographic, hololens, GOSH, Drive, UCL
InfoKid App

Often parents forget their appointment or are not fully understanding what exactly happened to their child. This app provides information on kidney problems related to kids. It is an interactive platform as parents can register their child on it and get updates on the status quo of their child's condition. Features like arranging appointments, as well as their reminders, are also included in this app. Expected result is a working collaborative technology to bridge the gap between doctors and parents when it comes to a child's medical state.

Alpha appointments, kidney, kids, children, reanal, parents, doctors, UCL
Isolation Prioritisation App

A UCL project to create a web application with UCLH to help to assign patients to rooms in the hospital, based on their urgency. Users will enter patients alongside their diseases and the application will provide a score based on the diseases.The app will show the patients in a dashboard, and the user can assign rooms to the patient.

Alpha isolation, prioritisation,disease, beds, allocation, UCL
MS Learning banks

The core aim of the project is to further develop the MS Learning Banks digital platform prototype based on a programme of extensive user testing so that it is ready for public launch and scale up. The objectives of the project include - To design and implement the necessary digital infrastructure that will enable us to collect user data and understand user behaviours. - To carry out user testing, collecting and analysing data on the user experience and impact of using the platform. - To use the results of user testing to adapt the existing prototype making it easier to use and have a greater impact on people’s lives. - To make sure the prototype is launch-ready.

Alpha multiple, sclerosis, user, data
Mobile Emotion Analysis

A UCL student project to look at mobile emotion analysis on short texts using Deep Learning and TensorFlow Lite

Alpha Mobile, Emotion, Deep Learning, texts, TensorFlow UCL
MyFlo Guide App

The application comes as an addition to an already existing SMS service, Florence. Using the Ionic framework, we managed to build a cross-platform application containing medical information on 5 major topics - Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes, with text and multimedia support. We expect to build a user-friendly application that contains up-to-date information from the NHS website.

Alpha Flo, SMS, Florence, Asthma, COPD, Hypertension, Cardiovascular, disease, diabetes, type2, UCL

Mypals is a web-based platform to connect people with life-limiting illnesses to people who can support them to remain independent, enjoy life and stay connected. Mypals will, in the first instance, be a digital platform (a web-based application), allowing people willing to volunteer to establish a connection with people with life-limiting illnesses. At a design event in July 2017, patients developed the following value proposition - I will be able to understand my illness; access the help I want to live life to the full; gain acceptance of what has to be; maintain tenacity of spirit; live and laugh often and loudly, especially with friends. Volunteers developed their own value proposition - I will add value, help people and fulfil my potential. Mypals will be developed as a white label product, ustomisable to each geographic location in which it operates.

Alpha life, limiting, illness, digital, platform, volunteers, patient
OrthoPredict App

An app to predict patient outcome after Orthopaedic surgeries

Alpha Orthopeadic, surgery, outcomes, UCL
Project PEACH

Platform for Enhanced Analytics and Computational Healthcare (PEACH). PEACH is a unique collaboration between the Computer Sciences Department at University College London (UCL) and University College London Hospitals (UCLH), investigating the overlap of traditional healthcare, IT and data sciences. The founders are Dr. Dean Mohamedally from UCL and Dr. Navin Ramachandran from UCLH.

Beta patient, cancer, hololens, openEHR, analysing, analytics, reports
Pharmacy Contributions App

A UCL student project to create an app for pharmacist contribution records. The records are currently generated by hand, pharmacists need a faster more efficient solution capable of storing each contribution in a database.

Alpha pharmacy, pharmacist, contributions, UCL

The Pharmacy Code4Health community seeks to generate innovation and opportunities at the intersection of healthcare, pharmacy expertise and digital technology. The use of medicines and information about medicines are the most common health care interventions in the NHS and digital technology is reshaping every aspect of our lives; this is an opportunity for pharmacy community to help create the digital health care future.

Design patient, pharmacy

The development of an application utilising the approved open standards information model that replaces the 'Do Not Ressucitate' (DNR) practice.

Alpha respect, dnr, patient, wishes
Ripple OSI

Ripple is a clinically led team working to build an integrated digital care record platform for today and the future. Open source, open standards and underpinned by an open architecture that can be used worldwide. The flexible nature of the approach and technology allows it to be adopted and then adapted to meet the specific needs of a particular health and care system. This platform based approach can meet a variety of needs, from small departments up to regional care records.

Production platform, open source, integrated, interoperability, openEHR

Anaesthetics is one of the most data rich specialities but much of this is lost as for even digitally mature trusts it is all still mostly recorded on paper. The overriding objective of this project is to extend the work, initially started at an NHS Hack Day, on creating an open source digital anaesthetic chart. This will involve - User interface work to make something attractive and usable, as well as functional - Modelling of patient flow and clinician working to create a system ready for pilot - Integration with an anaesthetic monitor to prove utility - Creating open API’s to facilitate interoperability with existing clinical systems. My hope is that this work lays the foundation an open source, platform agnostic, system that allows for better working in perioperative medicine and to enable the use of the data created in a patient journey.

Alpha anaesthetics, chart, anaesthetic, perioperative
Training Improvement

Working with Code4Health and first year students from UCL Department of Computer Science, we aim to produce a measurable improvement in the standard of Trauma & Orthopaedic (T&O) training by gathering feedback by text from the trainees, then supplying weekly collated group feedback to those hospitals training them

Alpha training, improvement, measures, trauma, orthopeadic, feedback
Training Feeback App

A UCL project which focuses on getting feedback from trainees in the the NHS. This involves sending trainees a weekly SMS message in order to get feedback regarding their training for the week. All the data received can be monitored and viewed through our web application. Hence, we are able to compare the scores of each hospital and send each hospital a weekly report of their performance compared to other hospital. The overall aim of this project is to see if hospitals that receive trainee feedback are likely to improve their training over time as opposed to hospitals that don’t get feedback.

Alpha training, feedback, hospital, trainees, UCL
Making Black box algorithms for purpose in the NHS

GDPR Algorithmic responsibility negates the NHS ability to use black box algorithms in clinical decision support systems that are risky (e.g. 111 and 999). The problem is that they cannot be effectively explained to a member of the public effected by them.

Beta Mind, ChatBot, Mental, Health, AI, artificial, intelligence, A.I
Cancer Pathways

Pathways is a web application that aims to make it easier for patients to access information about their symptoms and treatment, helping them make informed decisions about treatment options, increasing their understanding of their medical condition and helping reduce their anxiety and confusion about the future.

Beta Cancer, Pathway, Oncology, Guys, Macmillan
Mental Health Chatbot & NLP Enabled Triage

A chat bot developed to show Mental Health Clinicians the art of what is possible in the area of chatbot development. The bot was designed in consultation with UK Mental Health Clinicians, and follows NICE guidelines.

Beta Mind, ChatBot, Mental, Health, AI, artificial, intelligence, A.I
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Explorer

A UCL project to provide additional tooling that allows developers to easily browse data repositories and build queries, display the dataset schemas available and allow tables, columns, queries to be manipulated.

Alpha openEHR, clinical, knowledge, manager, tools, queries, developer, developers
Deep Learning Drug Treatments - 'deepDrug'

Computer science has begun to shape the future of medicine as more and more medical data is collected everyday and published in datasets for researchers and developers to use. In addition, personalized medicine has the ability to completely change the landscape of cancer drug treatment worldwide. Patients' genetics, medical history, and the development of their cancer can differ greatly, which calls for a need of more personal treatment. Personalized treatment is geared towards the patient themselves instead of receiving a more general treatment that is usually fairly ineffective. To make breakthroughs in personalized medicine, we look to deep learning. Deep learning has become a very effective method to speed up the drug discovery process and develop personalized treatments which saves time and money, but most importantly lives. By using databases like PubChem, Tox21, the European Nucleotide Archive, and more, deep neural networks can develop personalized drugs for cancer patients that target the cancer in the most effective ways. The community looks to bring together all different experts ranging from biochemists to computer scientists since the problem must be approached from different perspectives in order to make substantial progress. In the future, the community looks to build a software framework that will assist doctors by recommending different drug treatments that are the best for their patients.

Alpha deep, learning, drugs

Led by the Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) the Code4Health Dementia Community are very keen to develop a diagnosis protocol for advanced dementia in the form of an app to support health care professionals in care home settings. The team have undertaken App in a Day training and have produced a prototype app based on the DIADEM tool using LiveCode.

Production dementia, diadem, assessment

Currently in many hospital settings, management of the aftercare of patients following Labour Epidural is paper-based and error-prone. The workflow, while functioning, has extensive scope for improvement and integration with existing electronic care records. Significantly, these existing EHRs do not currently have the inbuilt flexibility/capability to provide a suitable workflow for managing requesting, insertion, and aftercare of labour epidurals. Our project aims to create a proof of concept ‘nano’-EHR which covers this specific use case and delivers a workflow which is above all safe, reliable, and user friendly. An electronic system furthermore gives the opportunity for additional functionality such as avoiding dual entry of clinical information where it can be pulled from the existing EHR. Management functions such as audit of personal practice and unit-wide audit and reporting are also much easier with an electronic system.

Alpha labour, epidural, audit, reporting
Human Five

A person-centred, human-centred healthcare system based on five key areas Mind, Movement, Nutrition, Body, World

Beta Mind, Movement, Nutrition, Body, World, Human, UCL
Lungs @ Home

Lung function testing is used by healthcare professionals to diagnose respiratory disease, and to monitor respiratory health. This project seeks to develop a digital tool for recording and communicating the results of function testing between patients and healthcare professionals. This will enable us to launch a pilot and evaluate the effectiveness of a digital solution compared to existing paper based workflows and dated tools.

Alpha lung, function, testing, respiratory, disease, function, testing
Mental Health Mobile App

Students over at UCL have developed a Mental Health Mobile application alongside Code4Health North East Community group. North Tyneside CCG identified that it was difficult for patients and carers to access mental health services and guidance in the area due to disparate information and number of MH providers. The app was designed to help users manage their own condition and offer advice and guidance to help elevate some of the sigma behind this condition.

Alpha North Tyneside, CCG, ChatBot, Mental, Health, Providers, App, patient, condition, self, UCL
End of Life App

We live in a society that makes it difficult to think and talk about death. This application has all of the information that someone would need to ensure everything is in palce before the end of your life. Everything in the app is easily accessible, from interactive menu's to take you to your desired chapter, to downloadable forms to print off and fill out at home. This application was built in Ionic and runs on both iOS and Android.

Alpha North Tyneside, death, end of life, information, pathway, ionic, ios, android, forms, interactive, UCL
North East Falls App

Pressures on the NHS combined with a growth in the aging population, technological solutions need to be found to help with self management. This project developed a user-friendly, cross-platform medical mobile application which provides intuitive information on falls as well as providing appropriate user-risk assessments to help strengthen patient-doctor liaison for NHS North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group. This amenable app was developed using the Ionic framework for iOS and Android devices.

Alpha North Tyneside, iOS, Android, self-management, App, patient, condition, falls, cross-platform, medical mobile application, ionic framework
Fistula App

Fistula app is designed for NHS Dialysis patients and clinicians, enabling patients to capture images and upload observations. These records can be viewed via portal by clinicians. The app provides an effortless and uer-friendly environment for patients to use, as well as improving the efficiency of diagnosis.

Alpha North Tyneside, dialysis, patient, clinician, observations, image capture, UCL, ionic, iOS, angularjs, js, Android, portal
Young Carers App

A young carer is a young person aged 5-25 who has caring responsibility for a family member, friend of neighbour. The Young Carers App, is an application that provides essential information about being a young carer, including coping mechanisms, the carers centre and parents and guardians advice. The app also contains vlogs from other young carers, receipes and cooking tips, game suggestions to relax, extra info on fun palces to go and free things that young carers can access. Young carers can also create and login to accounts to access custom calendars and a profile area.

Alpha North Tyneside, young carer, app, vlogs, support, carers centre, coping mechanisms, calendar, profile, information
Whats the Plan - Open Care Plan Community

‘What’s The Plan’ and the Open Care Plan Community aims to enable people, carers and care providers to view and interact with their agreed Care Plans electronically.

Alpha Care Plan, Management, Platform, Local Needs, Interoperable, Interoperability, Government, location, locations, carer, care providers
Open eObs

The Open eObs community has an aim of improving patient care and outcomes by identifying, preventing and reducing patient deterioration. The community, through its members and contributors aims to identify the standards, requirements and product roadmap for a leading open electronic observation solution available to all and to commission the development and custodianship for a single open solution for improved patient outcomes.

Production NEWS2, NEWS, observation, nursing, deteriorating, deterioration, sepsis, nurses, ward, therapeutic

Our aim is to explore the potential for open source CRM use across the NHS. We plan to look at the requirements of such a system and develop a mature CRM product set for use in the NHS

Production patient, CRM, customer, relationship, management

openEHR (openehr.org) is an international not-for-profit project which has a key aim of engaging the clinical community to develop shared, open source, models of health information e.g "What is a blood pressure?" "What do we need to say about allergies?". These can then be used directly with in health apps and systems, to underpin an 'open platform' approach to eHealth.

Production openEHR, open, standards, clinical, data, respository, templatem model, modelling, clincians, CDR, information

Open Odonto is a community interest company created to stimulate the production of open source software solutions for dental services.

Beta patient, dentist, dentistry, community,
openOutcomes - Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)

openOutcomes - an open source platform for recording and analysing PROMs

Beta patient, related, outcome, measures, PROMs, analysing, analytics, reports

Our aim is to develop open source video-consultation software that connects patients with their clinician, and clinicians with fellow clinicians on demand and using the device of choice. You can now get involved in the latest web enabled real time communication (webRTC) which is being rapidly developed within Ripple to showcase telehealth functionality, in collaboration with Code4Health and the Apperta Foundation.

Alpha patient, telemedicine, webRTC, video, consultation,

OPENeP is an open source ePMA solution built on an open standards, vendor-neutral health data repository, Think!EHR PlatformTM, and is a first of type implementation for the NHS.

Production prescribing esprescribing, meds, meds management, medicine, meds administration, inpatient, outpatient, mental health, acute

OpenEyes is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application for ophthalmology, which enables clinicians to access information they need about their patients in one place

Production electronic health record, EHR, opthalmology
Paracetamol Pathways

Paracetamol pathways is a web application that improves the accuracy of the calculations and decisions points during the assessment and treatment of paracetamol overdose.

Alpha Paracetamol, Pathway, Medicine, Assessment, overdose, care, Jquery, JQueryUI, UCL
An automatic system for gathering and visualizing patient readiness to get well

A research and development project with UCL based upon the following - Clincians believe they know if a patient is going to get better when they meet them. But is it possible to understand a populations readiness to get better before meeting them. People get better when they are ready to do so. Peoples readiness is dependent upon a number of factors not least their perspective towards their condition. This can be automatically sensed when people write to their diagnosed condition as though it were a person. The system will use NLP techniques to sense activation status via the dialogue written. This approach will be built upon using the wellbeing / NLP projects that UCL student are working on the period to August 2018, and have clinical input from mental health, public health, and strategic arms length bodies in in England and Wales. Its purpose is to inform the value of delivering health care. It will be deployed for UX testing in April 2019 under a https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 license. It is required to automatically give a perspective on a potential the publics readiness to get well.

Alpha Mind, NLP, natural, language, processing, AI, artificial, intelligence, A.I
Physical Health Monitoring Application

In conjunction with Dr J.S. Bamrah of Manchester Mental Health Trust, Code4Health are working to create a Physical Health Monitoring system aimed primarily at psychiatric patients. The goal of the system is to use digital technology to assist mental health patients in taking more responsibility for their own physical health by monitoring key health values such as blood pressure and other metrics and additionally sharing this data with the clinicians who are involved in the patients care. The system will comprise of - 1. the "patient app"; a smartphone application for patients which allows them to enter and monitor key health data 2. the "clinician portal"; an application that allows the clinician to enter and monitor key health data for the patients that they are assisting 3. the "OpenEHR middleware"; a thin server layer which will create an abstract interface for both front-end apps to talk to the OpenEHR back-end as well as dealing with additional app-specific data such as managing the database for push notifications 4. the "OpenEHR back-end"; an open standard server system that will manage all of the data in the system

Beta Mind, ChatBot, Mental, Health, physical, exercise

We wish to create a prototype neonatal simulation manikin based on commodity components, powered by a Raspberry Pi credit-card sized computer and controlled by open source software. The project aims to improve access to simulation training, resulting in an improvement in the quality of care provided for patients needing resuscitation. This will be achieved through reducing the cost of the equipment required and inspiring a community of enthusiasts to customise and improve on our original manikin. Hospital simulation suites, medical or nursing schools and community life support/ first aid programmes will be able to alter and refine the hardware and software to suit their own needs for training.

Alpha rasberry, pi, simulation, training, manikin, medical, nursing, schools, first, aid
Real General Practice

Real General Practice is a web based training tool designed for Registrar GPs and existing GPs to assist with their learning needs. The system also provides patient resources to be used in conjuction with their GP to augment their treatment pathway

Alpha training, registrar, GP, learning, patient

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